Welcome to the Official Website of the South River Police Department
Welcome to the Official Website of the South River Police Department
Copies of police reports can be obtained in person during business hours or requested by email.
To request a police report by email, email jmarottoli@southriverpd.org. Please include as much information as you have (case number, name, address, phone number, date of incident, type of report). A copy of the report will be sent via email. PLEASE INCLUDE AN IMAGE OF YOUR PHOTO ID WITH YOUR EMAIL REQUEST.
For any additional information or assistance, please call 732-257-6727 ext 103.
Records Hours:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Monday - Friday)
Accident (Crash) Reports
New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash Form
The New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash Form (SR-1) is used to report an accident that was not investigated by the police. This form can be submitted to insurance companies in place of a police accident report. There are two options to complete the form:
Other Reports
Discovery Requests
Letters of Good Conduct
Other Departments & Agencies
Handicap Vehicle Placard Applications
Temporary placard requests are processed and issued by your local police department. South River residents can apply by downloading the form here and submitting it to our records bureau.
Permanent placard and handicap license plate requests are processed and issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. Click here for more information.
The New Jersey Open Public Records Act allows the public to seek local, county or state government information and records. Click below for more information on filing a request under this Act.